Happy Earth Day 2021
The theme for Earth Day 2021 is 'Restore Our Earth', which focuses on natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world's ecosystems. On the surface this may seem far removed from the world of public sector procurement, but at CPC we believe that the role of procurement is increasingly important in reaching net zero targets. Reaching these targets will have to utilise green technologies and will require innovative thinking.
After this event is over, with all the other challenges facing the public sector today, it can be tempting to put off making these changes or to feel overwhelmed by the scale of what needs to be achieved.
As a not-for-profit trying to make positive changes ourselves, CPC understand the difficulty of navigating the volume of information and trying to weigh up the benefits of different measures and programmes.
Going forward, there is no right answer, the best thing we can all do is implement different measures and share our successes and failures. A collaborative approach will help all organisations develop and plan better approaches and solutions to our common goal – reaching our net zero targets.
Our frameworks available to help with retrofit measures cover consultancy (Energy Efficiency Consultancy N8C) and 21 individual retrofit measures (Energy Efficiency Measures and Associated Works (N8).
Our advice is simple, whether you are retrofitting your existing buildings or looking to energy efficient buildings and homes, CPC and our frameworks and DPS’ are here to provide value for money procurement solutions.