Offsite suppliers appointed to £330m offsite framework
Seventeen offsite manufacturers have won places on a new £330 million framework for the public sector.
Seventeen offsite manufacturers have won places on a new £330 million framework for the public sector.
The theme for Earth Day 2021 is 'Restore Our Earth', which focuses on natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world's ecosystems. On the surface this may seem far removed from the world of public sector procurement, but at CPC we believe that the role of procurement is increasingly important in reaching net zero targets. Reaching these targets will have to utilise green technologies and will require innovative thinking.
A new guide has been launched for local authorities, housing associations and other registered providers that are looking to procure energy efficiency works.
As the Government and wider housing sector seek to ramp up their retrofit efforts to achieve net zero stock by at least 2050, it’s more important than ever for social landlords to ensure they have routes to procure compliant and quality suppliers.
CPC & the Northern Housing Consortium are pleased to announce our support for the North East of England Climate Coalition (NEECCo) which has today (Tuesday 30th March 2021) officially launched our collective ambition for the North East region of “Becoming England’s Greenest region”.
NEECCo is England’s first regional cross-sector climate coalition and we are calling for every individual, household, business and organisation to sign up and make a pledge to do their bit via their website
LHC is currently in the pre-planning stage of their New Build Housing Construction (H2) framework that will be procured on behalf of SPA, CPC and LHC.
It will deliver a range of traditional housing as well as low, medium and high-rise construction, sheltered, student and keyworker accommodation, care homes, and mixed use sites, development agreements and land purchases.
Public sector procurement specialist CPC has published the Contract Award Notice for its Energy Efficiency Measures & Associated Works (N8) Framework Agreement.
The Framework allows local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to source specialist suppliers who can provide a variety of carbon-reduction measures for domestic and public buildings and can carry out any associated repairs and retrofit work.
Construction procurement specialist CPC is seeking bids from suitable organisations for our public buildings construction and infrastructure framework (PB3). This framework is the successor to our popular schools and community buildings framework and will be for the construction of new buildings, extensions, and refurbishment of public and social buildings and infrastructure works.
Construction procurement specialist CPC is seeking bids from roofing manufacturers /system suppliers who will partner with approved installation contractors to provide the supply and design of roof coverings and associated components and building works including roof repairs and other associated roofing works for public sector clients throughout England.
Consortium Procurement Construction’s Offsite Project Integrator framework can be used by local authorities, housing associations and other social landlords to find the vital technical support they need to deal with the unique challenges, associated with the integration of offsite projects including volumetric, panelised, high-rise and turnkey building systems and to make your offsite project a success.
Contract notice for MB2 Design, supply and installation of permanent and temporary modular buildings goes live